Unleash your full potential
Create the life of your dreams and let go of your perceived limitations
Re-discover your true purpose, your gifts and talents that are innate to you in order to create the life you truly love by doing what you love
These are the end-results you can expect from our teaching and coaching sevices
Living intuitively, fully guided and end results focused...
Manifest and create the life aligned with your purpose and your true nature
Experience true joy and intrinsic happiness, achieve true well-being
Know who you truly are and uncover your purpose! Learn to love yourself again and love others and the world
Access inner wisdom on command to make better choices every day by living intuitively
Tap into universal guidance by developing and exploring your own consciousness
Ability to focus and re-focus when any limiting beliefs, unhelpful thoughts and feelings get in the way
These are the results that our clients have experienced
Ivy, UK
“Nelson uses a very unique way to coach his clients. INTUITION. He guides you into intuition to help you figure out what your soul wants to achieve rather than your ego."
Andy, UK
“The consultation session was magical, and Nelson intuitively knew things about me and my situation that no one else knew about, so he agreed to start coaching me and I want to work with him permanently and grow together.”
Our Services
Our Personal Transformation (transpersonal) and Genius Aligned teaching and coaching services are designed to help you create your dream life guided by your heart's highest desire and support you to overcome any obstacles standing between you and your dream life.
We offer different packages to choose from, each tailored to meet your unique needs and budget. We will guide you every step of the way, helping you align your thoughts and actions with your deepest desires and manifest the life you deserve.
12 Month Programme
12 month teaching and coaching transformation programme. This is the minimum to develop a deep sense of who you are and start manifesting effectively through 2 genius creation cycles
24 Months Programme
24 months teaching and coaching programme. This is the ideal length to really develop a good relationship with your own consciousness and experience manifestation through 4 genius creation cycles
36 Months Programme
36 months teaching and coaching programme. This is the ideal length to master your own consciousness and experience powerful manifestation through 6 genius creation cycles
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